In 2017, a group led by Sterling Golf and Architect Jeff Blume engaged the King’s Crossing HOA to discuss the possibility of reopening the Kings Crossing Country Club. The plan would be to invest 10+ million dollars in rebuilding the clubhouse, golf course, maintenance shed, swimming pool, work out facilities and tennis courts. Virtually building a brand new country club on the existing Kings Crossing site. In order to commit 10 million dollars to this project it was essential to have HOA participation in the project.
Sterling Golf & Jeff Blume proposed an agreement that has been very successful with other country club communities that have engaged in a HOA/Country Club partnership. The agreement is to have every home within the community to be a social member of the club. It would be offered at a significant discount of $75/month (no initiation fee) however it would be mandatory for all homeowners. If the HOA could get the current homeowners to vote for this agreement then the 10+ million dollar renovation would take place.
In the Fall of 2018 the vote fell just shy of the required “yes” votes to pass. The overwhelming feedback from residents that voted “no” was the stipulation that it was mandatory and there was no way to “opt out” if the resident had no interest in the social membership. Knowing that the interest was very high within the community the ownership group reevaluated and designed a new agreement to take the HOA and homeowners of Kings Crossing in 2019.
In 2019, ownership is now proposing an agreement that provides an “opt out” clause for CURRENT Homeowners. The offering of the agreement stays the same, 10+ million dollars to build a brand new country club and golf course. The only change is a current homeowner can vote “yes” to the agreement but “opt out” of being a mandatory member. In this new agreement they can “opt out” of the membership but when they sell their house, the next homeowner would be required to be a member. There will be a date that all current residents would have the last chance to “opt in” to the HOA Social Membership at the significant discount. After that date has passed current HOA residents who “opted out” will not receive the discounted rate of the social membership if they decide to join.
All homeowners that “opt in” to the membership would agree that their membership is mandatory when the agreement is finalized between the HOA and Country Club. The “opt in” members would split the HOA’s monthly commitment to the country club. If all homeowners that voted “yes” in the 2018 proposal the monthly fee for the social membership would be between $128-$140/month. Still significantly less than the regular social membership that will be offered to Non- Kings Crossing residents of $250/month. If more residents “opt in” to the membership than the fee would go down for every resident that opted in. The goal is as the community turns over its “new” residents will automatically be a member and the monthly fee for all “opt in” residents would be below $100/month.
In closing, this is a win-win situation for both the country club and Kings Crossing. The club will be the centerpiece of the community and will once again be the Premier Golf Course Community in South Texas.